AVZ Egypt

Product Details

3 pipettes of 1 ml each
Application :

drops against fleas, lice, hair eaters, cheiletiella, ixodes and sarcoptoid mites

Release form :

polymer dropper pipettes that pack 3 pieces in cardboard packs

Product benefits:

  • Effectiveness against all stages of parasite development.
  • It is not absorbed into the blood, accumulating on the surface of the skin provides long-term protection.
  • After 24 hours, the pet is completely protected from fleas and ticks.
  • The combination of 3 active ingredients protects the pet from repeated attacks of fleas and lice up to 8 weeks, ticks – up to 4 weeks.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

BARS® classic drops against fleas and ticks for cats as active ingredients contain fipronil – 10 mg/ml, diflubenzuron – 1 mg/ml and dicarboximide (MGK-264) – 1 mg/ml;

The drug has a pronounced activity against larval and sexually mature phases of the development of fleas, lice, hair eaters, cheiletiella, ixodes and sarcoptoid ticks parasitizing dogs.

The mechanism of action of fipronil, which is part of the drug, consists in blocking GABA-dependent ectoparasite receptors, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of ectoparasites. Diflubenzuron, inhibiting the synthesis of chitin in parasites, disrupts the process of molting, oviposition and hatching of larvae from eggs, which leads to the cessation of population replenishment. Dicarboximide is a synergist and is used with insecticides to increase their activity. Dicarboximide stops microsomal detoxification of the insecticide, increasing its toxicity to the parasite.

After the skin application of the drug, the active substances included in its composition are evenly distributed over the surface of the body without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal's body and have a long-term contact insecticidal effect and protection of the animal from ectoparasites. A single treatment of the animal ensures the death of fleas within 24 hours, ixodes ticks, lice, hair eaters – within 48 hours. The protective effect of the drug continues against ixodes ticks for up to 4 weeks, against fleas, lice, hair eaters and cheiletiella – up to 8 weeks.


BARS® classic drops against fleas and ticks are prescribed to cats for the treatment and prevention of entomoses (lice, fleas, hair eaters), sarcoptosis, notohedrosis, otodectosis, cheiletiellosis, ixod mites.


Contraindication to use is an increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. Patients with infectious diseases, weakened and recovering animals are not subject to treatment.

It is prohibited to use the drug during pregnancy and feeding of offspring, as well as kittens younger than 8 weeks of age.

Dosage and administration

BARS® classic drops against fleas and ticks are applied once by drip application to dry undamaged skin.

The drug, having parted the wool, is applied to dry undamaged skin at several points in the back area between the shoulder blades or in the neck area at the base of the skull (in places inaccessible to animals for licking).

Taking into account the type and weight of the treated animal, the packaging of the required volume or a combination thereof is selected and the drug is used in the doses indicated in the table.

Animal weight, kg

The dose of the drug for the treatment of the animal, ml

Number of pipettes,

pieces/pipette volume, ml for animal treatment


up to 1 kg

0.3 (10 drops)


from 1 to 3 kg

0.6 (20 drops)


 from 3 kg and more                                     1,0                                   1/1,0

To obtain an optimal protective effect, the treatment should be carried out no later than 24 hours before the intended dog walking in places where parasites may live. Repeated treatment of animals is carried out according to indications, but not more than once a month.

In order to prevent repeated infestation by fleas, animal bedding is replaced or treated with any insecticidal agent in accordance with the instructions for its use.

To destroy ixodic ticks on the animal's body, a drug in the amount of 1 drop is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin. If the tick does not spontaneously disappear within 20-30 minutes, then it is carefully pulled out of the body with tweezers and destroyed.

Do not wash and bathe the animal for 3 days before and after treatment, as well as apply the drug to wet or damaged skin.

In the treatment of otodectosis, the auricles and the auditory canal are pre-cleaned of earwax, exudate and scabs, then 4-6 drops of the drug are instilled into each ear. To evenly distribute the drug, the auricle is folded lengthwise and its base is lightly massaged. The remainder of the drug in the pipette is applied to the animal on the skin between the shoulder blades. In the advanced case of otodectosis complicated by otitis media, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed and auricular application of BARS® classic drops against fleas and mites is repeated after 7-10 days.

The drug must be injected into both ears, even in cases of otodectosis of only one ear.

To prevent splashing of the drug (if the animal shakes its head), the animal's head should be fixed for several minutes.

The drug should not be used auricularly with perforation of the eardrum.

Avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes of the animal.

Special warnings

If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be immediately washed off with a stream of water. Do not iron the places of application of the drug and allow the animal to small children within 24 hours after treatment.

Adverse events

When using the drug according to the instructions, side effects and complications are not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and the appearance of complications (excessive salivation, lacrimation, vomiting), the treatment is stopped, and the drug is washed off with water and detergent.


Store the drug in the closed original packaging, in a place protected from light and moisture, inaccessible to children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from 2 ° C to 25 ° C.

Dosage form

The drug is produced packaged in 1 ml in polymer dropper pipettes, which are packed in 3 pieces in cardboard packs. Each consumer package is accompanied by instructions for the use of the drug
EGP 160